Resources are hard.

For machine learning, there are so many. Some are bad but parts of them make sense, some are good but hard to read, and many are right in the middle. When you get hit with math equation after math equation, it becomes a bit hard to wrap your head around anything.

As a club, we’ve covered a lot of material over the last few years. Our members have committed themselves to understanding the material at a fundamental level, and apart of demonstrating/solidifying that knowledge is to give presentations and workshops on the topic.

We’ve compiled a preliminary list of resources, some of which have been created by our club, and some of which members of our club have found useful. If you have resources that you like that you believe should be on here, please feel free to message us via our email. Cheers <3

Resources List

Getting Started with ML

Reinforcement Learning Resources

Generative AI Resources

List of AI Safety Orgs.